1. 毕业生须身著本校标准完整学位服(包含袍、帔、帽)始得进入3楼主会场,并请携带学生证备查,于8:45前就座完毕,会场将进行门禁管制。
Graduates should wear standard academic dress of NTU (including gown, cap, hood) to enter the main venue at 3rd floor. The main venue will be subject to access control, please prepare your student ID beforehand for inquiries. You must be seated before 8:45 a.m.

2. 领证代表8:15前于领证代表席报到入座,其馀毕业生依典礼座位图之各学院座位自行入座。
Diploma Conferment Representatives should check in at the Representative Seat before 8:15 a.m., other graduates should take seats according to the Ceremony's Seating Map for each college.

3. 家长及亲友请一同凭邀请函进入4、5楼观礼席。5月中依教务处提供之应届毕业生名册(研究所须已提送学位考试申请),寄送每位毕业生人一封邀请函至本校计中帐号之电子邮件信箱。
Families and friends may enter together into the auditorium at 4th and 5th floor by the official invitation card.
According to the list of fresh graduates provided by the NTU Office of Academic Affairs, one official invitation EMail will be sent to the NTU EMail address of each graduates.
(Graduate school's students need to at least register for Master's or Doctoral degree examination to be on the graduates' list).

4. 观礼席满座时,请至1楼第2会场观赏大萤幕现场实况转播。
On the occasion that the auditorium at 4th and 5th floor are fully occupied,please proceed to the 2nd venue on the First Floor.
Live broadcast of the ceremony will be streamed at the 2nd venue.

5. 未满12岁不得进入观礼席。宠物或其推车不得进入观礼席。
Children below 12 years old, pets and pet strollers are not allowed into the seats available at 4th and 5th floor.

6. 计资中心全程网路直播主会场典礼实况,网址于典礼前公布,请多加利用。
The ceremony will be live-streaming by C&INC, NTU.The site will be announced before the ceremony starts.
Time: 08:00~08:40, May 25(Saturday), 2024 


流程 Procedure

路线 Route
Proceed from the Sports Center→turn left onto Fan Palm Ave. →turn right between the College of Liberal Arts and Dept. of Civil Engineering→turn right onto Royal Palm Blvd.→turn right onto Banyan Ave.→Be seated on the 3rd floor at the Sports Center.