沃思空間原為Global Lounge場地,GL於民國98年啟用,歷經十餘年場地設施老舊無法滿足同學辦理社團活動使用需求,故於111年5月委由設計師進行場地規畫設計,整修工程案上網公開招標後於112年3月起翻修,於同年7月底竣工,9月13日舉辦開幕茶會後,於當天起開放同學使用與專案借用。
The coSpace, was originally the location of the Global Lounge, was established in 2009. After more than a decade of use, the aging facilities couldn't meet the needs of students for organizing club activities. the renovation happened in March 2023, concluded in July of the same year, there was an opening tea party on September 13, and the space was officially open for use on the same day.
For information regarding the space description, Borrowing Rules and Procedures, Audiovisual Equipment, and Venue Photos, please click on the link above for further details.
開幕茶會活動海報Opening Tea Party Event Poster
活動照片Opening Tea Party Event Photos