防疫須知 Pandemic Prevention Notice


  • 可入場畢業生及家長全採報名制,畢業生施打2劑疫苗優先報名,家人則至少須施打2 劑疫苗方可報名參加畢業典禮。
    All graduates and their parents should apply for the registration, and graduates who receive 2 doses of the vaccine are given priority to register, and family members must receive at least 2 doses of the vaccine before they can register for the ceremony.
  • 畢業生家長請攜帶身分證、師長及畢業生請攜帶本校教職員工生證件。
    Parents of graduates must bring their government ID cards; teachers and graduates must bring their school staff and student ID cards.
  • 為有效落實防疫,請務必攜帶上述證件,經實名制登記後入場,並全程配戴口罩,維持手部清潔,禁止飲食。
    In order to effectively implement pandemic prevention measures, please be sure to bring the above documents, enter the venue only after completing registration, wear a medical mask throughout the process, keep your hands clean, and refrain from eating and drinking during the event.
  • 綜合體育館1樓、3樓南側及3樓北側共有3處入口,請依廣場工作人員協助分流進場,以增加整體進場速度。
    There are 3 entrances to the NTU Sports Center: one on the 1st floor, one on the south side of the 3rd floor, and one on the north side of the 3rd floor. Please follow the staffs’ directions to the most convenient entrance at the time you arrive, to increase the overall speed of entry.
  • 如有發燒、呼吸道症狀、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常等疑似症狀,以及指揮中心「具感染風險民眾追蹤管理機制」所列居家隔離、居家檢疫、加強自主健康管理及自主健康管理者,不得進入會場。
    Those displaying symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, abnormal sense of smell and taste, or currently undergoing home isolation, home quarantine, self-health management or asked to self-health manage by the "Tracking and Management Mechanism for People at Risk of Infection" of the command center will not be allowed to enter the venue.

Due to the large crowd, you must queue up for registration using ID cards with your full legal name. Graduates and their families are advised to be seated before 8:40 a.m.


Relevant pandemic prevention measures will be adjusted if necessary, according to the guidelines announced by the CDC. Please refer to this page for the most updated information.