Notice of Application for "Regular Rehearsal" for the First Semester of the 113th Academic Year

1.Applications for regular rehearsals for the first semester of the 113th academic year will be accepted from April 22nd (Monday) to May 3rd (Friday) before 5 p.m. Please read this notice and the "Regulations for the Use of Regular Rehearsal Venues at the National Taiwan University Student Activity Center" carefully before applying.

In principle, priority will be given to maintaining the regular rehearsal time slots for the second semester of the 112th academic year. However, clubs that have already been approved must submit the application form for confirmation. Otherwise, it will be deemed as relinquishing the application for regular rehearsal. 

3.Clubs applying for regular rehearsals for the first time (music, dance, martial arts clubs) must attach a plan for regular rehearsals with the application form, stating the necessity for using the regular rehearsal venues for club activities. Otherwise, the application will not be accepted.

In order to facilitate paperless operations, please download the "Regular Rehearsal Application Form" from the Student Activity Center's website. This registration will be done via email. You can apply by attaching image files or electronically edited files. After completion, please indicate "○○ Club Application for Regular Rehearsal of the 113-1 Semester" in the subject of the email and send it to the email address of Fang Chiung-ju (, a member of the organizing team. Late applications will not be accepted. The preliminary results of each club's application are expected to be announced before May 8th (Wednesday). In case of scheduling conflicts, clubs may coordinate on their own and prepare alternative plans. The final result will be determined by the "Regular Rehearsal Coordination Meeting."

5.On May 15th, 113th at 12:30 p.m., a "Regular Rehearsal Coordination Meeting" will be held in Room 605 of the Second Student Activity Center. Regardless of whether there are conflicts in venue allocation, all clubs that have applied must send representatives with their club seals. If unable to attend, please provide a written explanation. Clubs absent without valid reasons will be deemed as relinquishing the application for regular rehearsal. Subject to venue availability, clubs may apply for a second time slot for regular rehearsal after the coordination meeting (schedule to be announced during the meeting).

If there are no disputes over venue allocation, the official results are expected to be announced before May 22nd. Regular rehearsal clubs are requested to verify the accuracy of the registered venues. Any errors should be reported to the First and Second Student Activity Center Offices for correction by May 25th.

After the announcement of the results of regular rehearsal applications, please apply directly to the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Division for "General Activities" and submit a copy of the application form with the stamp of approval to the First and Second Student Activity Center Offices before June 15th, 113th for confirmation of regular rehearsal venues. Unused slots (such as midterm exams, final exams, etc.) should be removed. Please complete the above procedures as soon as possible to avoid affecting the borrowing rights of other clubs.

8.Clubs applying for regular rehearsal are reminded that failure to complete the above procedures within the deadline will result in the deletion of regular rehearsal slots, making them available for other clubs to borrow. Relevant clubs are not allowed to object.

9.Starting from the second semester of the 104th academic year, clubs that fail to complete activities or venue approval procedures for two consecutive semesters will lose eligibility to apply for regular rehearsals in the next semester.