Procedures for Temporary Reservation
  1. To find a site that has no one reserve yet.
  2. Bring your student/faculty/employee ID card to the Student Activity Center Office.
  3. Submit a filled “Application Form for Temporary Reservation” with your copy of ID.


Hours and locations to make a temporary reservation

You can make a reservation during the Center's open hours (Please refer to the Center’s Open Hours)

If you want to reserve the site of SAC No 1., please go to SAC No 1. Office to apply.

If you want to reserve the site of SAC No 2., please go to SAC No 2. Office to apply.

Locations to apply for temporary reservation

Except for few sites that can only be enrolled through special projects, applying in-person or free to use, the sites listed below can be applied to make a temporary reservation.


Notes for temporary reservation
  1. Bring your ID card and apply in person
  2. Only one site can be reserved for one ID card
  3. Temporary reservation is only for the day you applied. Enroll in advance is not allowed.
  4. If a site is reserved but no one is using, you may apply to use the site for temporary. However, if the association that had reserved the site and completed the confirmation procedures, it has the priority to use the site.
  5. To check if a site is being reserved, you may enter the “Student Association Activity Information System” and click the “Check the Status of the Sites”.