Student Activity Center
Rules Governing the Handling of Venue Usage Violations by Student Clubs
May 30, 2011 Passed by the Student Counseling Committee, spring semester, Academic Year
December 23. 2014 Amended and passed by the Student Counseling Committee, fall semester, Academic Year 2014–15
Article 1 The National Taiwan University (NTU or “the University”) Student Activity Center Rules Governing the Handling of Venue Usage Violations by Student Clubs (“the Rules”) are formulated to ensure the effective use of venues and classroom buildings managed by the Office of Student Affairs’ Student Activity Center Administration Division and protect rights of student clubs at the University in the use of these venues.
Article 2 The following penalties in the form of point deductions shall be issued for venue usage violations:
1. Failing to apply for approval after reserving a venue, or failing to use a confirmed venue as scheduled: 1 point per session
2. Transferring an already confirmed reservation to or exchanging it with another student club at the University: 2 points per session
3. Leaving doors or windows open when air conditioning is on; failing to clean the venue, secure doors and windows, place desks and chairs in their original arrangement, turn off lights/air conditioning/equipment, or return the venue to its original state at the end of a rental session, thus affecting subsequent renters’ use of the venue: 0.5 points per violation and up to 2 points per session
4. Turning on air conditioning or other equipment in a classroom building without authorization: 3 points per session
5. Moving or rearranging items not included in the rental agreement: 3 points
6. Eating or drinking at a venue where dining is prohibited: 3 points
7. Entering a venue with wood flooring while wearing any shoes other than clean dance shoes with soft soles; moving desks or chairs into a wooden-floored venue: 3 points per violation
8. Damaging a venue and failing to return it to its original state: 3 points
9. Entering a venue without a reservation: 5 points per session
10. Failing to return rented equipment on time or moving it to another venue without authorization: 5 points
11. Smoking is prohibited across all venues (including club offices). Cases of persons caught smoking at any venues shall be handled in accordance with the University’s Regulations for On-Campus Tobacco Hazard Prevention, and their affiliated student club(s) shall be issued 5 penalty points.
12. Installing electrical equipment without authorization or equipment that may result in an electrical overload: 5 points
13. Obstructing emergency evacuation routes, turning off emergency lighting, using emergency power outlets, or other fire safety related violations: 5 points
14. Failing to comply with waste disposal and recycling guidelines, or for renters of the Yi-Ren Hall, failing to dispose of waste on time on the following day: 5 points
15. Using venues in a way that is inconsistent with the rental application: 3 points per session; using venues for commercial purposes or activities involving non-NTU groups in a manner inconsistent with the rental application: 8 points per session
16. Equipment damage due to improper use: 5 points; equipment damage due to vandalism: 10 points
17. Except in cooking classrooms or with the prior authorization of the University, using fire or cooking appliances at any venue (including in club offices): 10 points
18. Overtime:
< 15 minutes: 1 point
15–30 minutes: 3 points
30–45 minutes: 7 points
> 45 minutes: 10 points
An additional 1 to 10 penalty points may be issued for failure to take the appropriate remedial action to address any of the violations listed above.
Article 3 A student club which is issued 5 or more penalty points in a single semester shall have its online reservation rights temporary suspended until an improvement plan is submitted.
A student club which is issued 10 or more penalty points in a single semester shall have its online reservation rights suspended; such clubs shall be announced on the 1st Student Activity Center’s multimedia display, bulletin, and website until an improvement plan is submitted.
A student club which is issued 15 or more penalty points in a single semester and which has committed serious violations shall have its online reservation rights suspended for the following semester.
Penalty points shall be reset at the start of each semester.
Please refer to the University’s academic calendar for semester starting and ending dates.
Article 4 In addition to being issued penalty points in accordance with Article 2 herein, a student club may be relegated to the “low priority list” during negotiations for reservations at Yi-Ren Hall in the following academic year if an event/activity held by the club at the Hall violates any of the following regulations:
1. The audience fails to clear out of the premises by 10:00 p.m.
2. The rights of subsequent renters are affected due to unremoved stage decorations or similar.
Article 5 Cancellations for an approved rental shall be submitted to the Student Activity Center at least seven days prior to the scheduled date and will result in a penalty of 0.3 points per session. A cancellation submitted less than seven days prior to the scheduled date will result in a penalty of 0.5 points per session.
Article 6 A suspension notification will be sent to the email addresses of the student club’s chief representative and faculty director via the Student Activity Information System at any time that 5, 10, or 15 penalty points have been accrued in a semester.
Article 7 The Rules shall be passed by the Student Counseling Committee and then implemented on the date of promulgation.